Practice 91. (Inter-Being)
With the imminence of a mass sixth extinction, systemic racial inequity and this current second pandemic wave, how do we unlearn the idea of Nature and the Other(s) as distant and different from us?
This project is a 6-chapter proposition for one-on-one plant-to human interactions exploring an embodied understanding of interdependence*. Proposing this work as a multiplicity morphing with the passing of time each chapter invites humans to relate to black beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) through weekly prompts that can be accessed digitally through this platform to be performed at domestic and exhibition spaces.
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Together we can do something that neither can do alone
It is the story of our genes, the air we breathe and the symbiotic relationship between the root nodules of black beans and rhizobia bacteria
Inter-Action 1:
Stand in front of Phaseolus Vulgaris L
Bring your nose next to a leaf
Breath in and out *
The air we inhale from our atmosphere is by volume 78% nitrogen , 20.95% oxygen and small amounts of other gases including argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, and hydrogen.
"Approximately 80% of Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen is unusable by most living organisms. Plants, animals, and microorganisms can die of nitrogen deficiency, surrounded by N2 they cannot use. All organisms use the ammonia (NH3) form of nitrogen to manufacture amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, and other nitrogen-containing components necessary for life.
Biological nitrogen fixation is the process that changes inert N2 into biologically useful NH3. This process is mediated in nature only by N-fixing rhizobia bacteria (Rhizobiaceae, α-Proteobacteria) (Sørensen and Sessitsch, 2007). Other plants benefit from N-fixing bacteria when the bacteria die and release nitrogen to the environment, or when the bacteria live in close association with the plant. In legumes and a few other plants, the bacteria live in small growths on the roots called nodules. Within these nodules, nitrogen fixation is done by the bacteria, and the NH3 they produce is absorbed by the plant. Nitrogen fixation by legumes is a partnership between a bacterium and a plant." taken from
Human's inter-Actions with Phaseolus Vulgaris L
Human's inter-Actions with Phaseolus Vulgaris L Chapter 3.